Self Portrait #3 - Pigma Micron 08 on watercolour paper, A4

Self portraits

It has been decades since I’ve done a self portrait. They are far harder than hands or feet, so I left it as a later homework. #3 (the one at the top) came out well, the first one below came out rather strange partly because of the angle of the mirror, it makes me look like I’m ten years older and squat! Both were using my new Pigma Micron 08 0.5mm pen, which I love.

Portrait #2 (not shown) was a conte crayon drawing which started out really well, looked a lot like me but I messed up the eyes, so it went into the ban pile.

I also did a idealised free-form watercolour, Self Portrait #4 which worked surprisingly well, even though the skin tone makes me look sunburnt, I like the eyes, mouth and beard….2021 EDIT but I have removed that one from here, as I get better some of my older work embarasses me too much!


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